General information

Colombia, a country characterized by its natural diversity, natural resources, geography and multiculturalism. Colombians are creative and innovative, in this country great ventures are developed in technology, business, medicine, etc. Since people seek to get ahead.

Capital: Bogotá

President: Iván Duque Marquez

Currency: Colombian Peso

Population: 50.88 million

Official language: English language

Other important cities: Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, Manizales, Ibagué, Neiva, Popayán and Pasto.

National Day: July 20

Year of the Declaration of Independence: 1810

Religion: 95.4% of people are Catholic

Personal comment: Colombians are characterized by being hard-working, hospitable, creative, supportive and leaders. They like music and dancing.



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